
Showing posts from 2017

Be a leader not a boss.

Leaders are people that are responsible for inspiring, guiding and leading a group of people on a path for a common cause. A boss is a person who is in charge of the work place. A leader and a boss can be the same thing or two different things depending on the qualities that a person has. A leader could be the boss or a boss could be a leader, while it could be the complete opposite where a leader is not a boss, nor is a boss a leader. Not all bosses are leaders, but they both play an important role in our lives. Leaders are people that are responsible for inspiring, guiding and leading a group of people on a path for a common cause. A leader is someone who is looked upon and is followed blindly. He is expected to listen to only the people and nothing else. A leader is also believed to be the good for the people and not only looking for his benefit. The leader is essentially idolized. defines a ‘leader’ as, “a person or thing that leads; a guiding or direc...

Soft skills trainer.


Anchoring script

SANSKRITI-2017 Welcome Speech of Annual Day Function INTRODUCTION: Narayana is marching towards an extra mile with a smile in the momentous task of moulding minds. This temple of real knowledge is a name with a mission to nurture each child to make a compassionate and a discerning individual through a holistic quality education. Narayana has always endeared to impart virtues to children, which is a very important and indispensable parameter in their holistic development. WELCOME SPEECH: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Dignitaries, invited guests, friends well wishers, teachers and my dearest students, On behalf of NARAYANA GROUP OF SCHOLS I heartily welcome all of you for this Annual Day Celebrations! I could see a unique and talented mix of students and the parents, who made this happen, have come to us from every corner of the city. In the coming days and weeks, you will start building lifelong friendships for those who are joining us; you will begin classes and you wil...


Greetings everyone , I'm glad to share my happiest moments that Narayana group conducted MASTER ORATOR CONTEST-2016-2017. Here are the some of the winners in that competition.